Expose Todd Platts is a blog dedicated to exposing the liberal voting record of Pennsylvania Congressman Todd Platts.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Todd Platts' 10 Worst Votes

Here are Todd Platts' 10 worst votes on spending, taxes, and fiscal policy:
  1. For the multi-trillion dollar expansion of Medicare
  2. To increase federal cigarette tax
  3. For federal taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research
  4. To increase the federal minimum wage
  5. For "Cash for Clunkers"
  6. For the pork-filled farm bill (overriding the president's veto)
  7. For the 2005 Transportation bill ("Bridge to Nowhere" bill)
  8. For the 2008 "economic stimulus"
  9. For "No Child Left Behind"
  10. For tax breaks for "alternative energy"

1 comment:

  1. What about voting for the Patriot Act, Real ID Act, and giving up congressional authority to declare war to the executive?
