Expose Todd Platts is a blog dedicated to exposing the liberal voting record of Pennsylvania Congressman Todd Platts.

Monday, July 7, 2008

ACU Gives Platt's Poor Rating

The American Conservative Union gives Platts a 64 for his votes in 2007, even below his mediocre lifetime rating of 76.6.

Bad votes:
  • For Minimum Wage Increase
  • For federal funding of stem cell research
  • Against cutting wasteful Amtrak routes
  • To give DC a Congressional seat
  • For additional penalties for "hate crimes" against racial, ethnic, sexual orientation
  • For energy subsidies, more federal regulation of energy companies, and ban on incandescent light bulbs
  • For new federal welfare program for "affordable housing"
  • For health care and Medicare (SCHIP) expansion
  • For new energy standards, subsidies and mandates for alternative fuels, and more federal energy regulations.

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