Expose Todd Platts is a blog dedicated to exposing the liberal voting record of Pennsylvania Congressman Todd Platts.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

ACU Gives Platt's Poor Rating

The American Conservative Union gives Platts a 64 for his votes in 2007, even below his mediocre lifetime rating of 76.6.

Bad votes:
  • For Minimum Wage Increase
  • For federal funding of stem cell research
  • Against cutting wasteful Amtrak routes
  • To give DC a Congressional seat
  • For additional penalties for "hate crimes" against racial, ethnic, sexual orientation
  • For energy subsidies, more federal regulation of energy companies, and ban on incandescent light bulbs
  • For new federal welfare program for "affordable housing"
  • For health care and Medicare (SCHIP) expansion
  • For new energy standards, subsidies and mandates for alternative fuels, and more federal energy regulations.